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Bunny Bio

He would also like to know if anyone out there would like to offer him a TRUE forever home. This poor love of a cuddle bun has been adopted, not once, but TWO TIMES! And, yes, returned…two times. And the crazy thing is he’s a perfect bunny! Loving, affectionate, cuddly, lets you hold and squeeze him! He will be all over you for affection.

He was returned the first time because he was 100% free roam and was chewing things he wasn’t supposed to (which most bunnies will with lack of bunny proofing) and seconding return was because his owner experienced a change of circumstances and could no longer keep him. He’s a @haymonstersrabbitsanctuary alumni and is with us now because he’s so highly adorably adoptable and we want to help him find his “first” TRUE forever home. Please don’t apply for him unless you are committed to keeping him forever for better or worse till death do you part! (Which is, honestly, what we hope and expect with all of our applicants for all of our bunnies). If you can commit to doting all your love and affection on Petoski and giving him a large bunny-proofed space to free roam in for the rest of his life, then apply online at He deserves to be happy and loved!

Estimated age: 2.5 years

Sponsor: N/A



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